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safety and health of workers in supply chains

World Day for Safety and Health: A Call to Action for Safer Supply Chains

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work
The World Day for Workplace Safety & Health, observed on 28 April, is a reminder of the importance of ensuring safe and healthy workplaces for all. One critical aspect of workplace safety is the safety and health of workers in supply chains. Supply chains are complex networks of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in the production and delivery of goods and services. Ensuring occupational safety and health (OSH) in supply chains is crucial for protecting the well-being of workers and promoting sustainable business practices.

Understanding Supply Chains & World Day for Workplace Safety & Health

28 April Word day of Health & Safety at work place /Supply chain

It’s essential to recognize that Building a sustainable supply chain goes beyond environmental and economic considerations. Further more, it also critically involves ensuring the safety and health of all individuals along the supply chain. From the sourcing of raw materials to the delivery of the final product, every step in a global and complex supply chain presents unique challenges and opportunities for promoting workplace safety and health.

This comprehensive approach involves multiple stakeholders, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and logistics providers. And each playing a crucial role in maintaining a safe work environment. By focusing on sustainable practices, companies can mitigate risks, reduce accidents, and ensure a healthier workforce, which is especially relevant as we observe World Day for Workplace Safety & Health on 28 April. This day serves as a reminder of the global movement towards safer and healthier work conditions, emphasizing the importance of integrating occupational safety and health into the core of supply chain management. Thus, understanding supply chains in the context of this significant day highlights the interconnectedness of sustainability, safety, and health in creating a more responsible and resilient global economy.

Key Challenges in OSH in Supply Chains

1- Lack of Visibility

 One of the biggest challenges in ensuring OSH in supply chains is the lack of visibility. Many companies are unaware of the working conditions in their supply chains, making it difficult to identify and address OSH risks.

2- Poor Working Conditions

 Workers in supply chains often face poor working conditions, including long hours, low wages, lack of access to safety equipment, and exposure to hazardous substances.

3- Limited Regulatory Oversight

 Regulatory oversight of OSH in supply chains can be limited, particularly in countries with weak enforcement mechanisms.

4- Complexity of Supply Chains

The complexity of supply chains, with multiple tiers of suppliers and subcontractors, can make it challenging to monitor and manage OSH risks effectively.

Importance of OSH in Supply Chains

Ensuring OSH in supply chains is not only a moral imperative but also makes good business sense. By prioritizing worker safety and well-being, companies can:
  • – Enhance their reputation and brand image
  • – Improve employee morale and productivity
  • – Reduce absenteeism and turnover rates
  • – Mitigate the risk of legal and financial penalties
  • – Meet the expectations of customers and stakeholders for ethical and sustainable business practices
Importance of OSH in Supply Chains

Best Practices for Ensuring OSH in Supply Chains

1. Supplier Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular audits and assessments of suppliers to ensure compliance with OSH  regulations and standards like Bsci and Sedex certifications.
2. Supplier Training: Provide training to suppliers and workers on OSH best practices and the importance of workplace safety.
3. Supplier Engagement: Engage with suppliers to understand their challenges and work together to address OSH issues.
4. Transparency and Reporting: Be transparent about OSH performance in the supply chain and report regularly on progress and initiatives.
5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with other stakeholders, including industry associations, NGOs, and government agencies, to promote OSH in supply chains.


Ensuring OSH in supply chains is a shared responsibility that requires collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders. By prioritizing worker safety and well-being, companies can create a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future for all.
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